Why Did I Join WIFSFBA?
Why Did I Join WIFSFBA?
As a screenwriter turned film producer, I was treading in new waters. What am I supposed to do? How do I succeed? You can only learn so much from reading books and attending seminars. I was looking for mentorship, for instruction, for inspiration, for community.
I was a member of BAWIFM several years ago, but found out they were no longer active. When the opportunity to reinvent the organization came along, I jumped at the chance. Through the board meetings, I have met so many experienced women filmmakers that I can ask questions of, bounce ideas off of and simply blow off steam with. Through a diverse group of women, I am exposed to different perspectives and ideas. Little did I know that I was being an inspiration to them!
During a board meeting, I mentioned my film in development was about Donaldina Cameron and the Chinese women who fought human trafficking in 1911 San Francisco Chinatown. One of the board members, Amy Harrison, said, “I know who she is! I have a friend who’s nuts about her!” Now where would I have found a connection like that other than in a group like we have? You never know who you will meet...
I really want to invite all of you to join us at WIFSFBA. Even during shelter-in-place, we can meet virtually through Zoom. Besides publishing this newsletter once a quarter, we hope to bring you virtual speakers and networking events to help you along in your journey as a filmmaker.
News on how to become an official member of WIFSFBA and receive all the perks of membership are forthcoming. Stay tuned!
Carol Lee Hall
Women In Film
San Francisco Bay Area