Help Lead The Way

Open Call For Leaders

Women In Film San Francisco Bay Area  is made possible by the individuals in the community who are willing to share their knowledge, expertise, stories and good intentions with the greater community.  

By contributing an idea, lesson, tip, answer, opportunity or helping hand, we make opportunities possible, big and small, that may not have been possible otherwise.

If you are interested in contributing,
email bod-admin [at] with "IN SERVICE" in the subject line.

Why Lead With Us?

There are so many reasons to spend time in service with an organization like Women In Film and everyone's reason is different and personal. The mission of this group is to support women in the making of creative works in Film, Media, Television and beyond. No one person can go it alone. Here are some good reasons to join us in a leadership role:

We are building a structure, a team and a path to guide our peers along the way.  Check out all the different roles we are looking for.  

If you don't see one that speaks to you, get in touch and let me know!  

Tasha Nesbitt

Women In Film
San Francisco Bay Area